Increase your speed-to-decision by being data-driven with AI

Gain the insights you need to improve your eCommerce site experience and product category performance.

Revenue-optimization platform trusted
by the world’s best eCommerce companies

Never miss an error with Continuous Monitoring

Get alerted within minutes when customers are having a broken experience related to purchasing, finding items, registering, or logging in, so you can fix it before your revenue is impacted.

Discover drop-off points in your conversion funnel

Quickly uncover the root cause of problems and plug the hole before it gets out of hand.

Holistic Funnel Monitoring

We revolutionize funnel monitoring by continuously analyzing every touchpoint in real-time. Traditional methods might offer snapshots, but our AI ensures a dynamic, ongoing assessment. This means immediate identification of bottlenecks across the customer journey, enabling swift actions and a seamless user experience.

Make informed growth decisions with segment-level analytics

Be in the know. Automate analyzing your data at a granular level by county, channel, and product category or more. Make informal decisions by detracting revenue-infecting events & trends by zooming in and making decisions.

Uncover outperforming and soft categories

Don’t wait for your analysts to sort through all the SKUs and categories — see data stories of categories needing attention, so you can quickly capitalize on the opportunities.

Step into the future of e-commerce.

Learn how we can help your brand drive top-line revenue growth and fix revenue leakage

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